Michele Coppola Wilson, Transitions Specialist
Virtual & In-Person Available/Lincroft, NJ
Specializing in
Marriage Reconciliation,
Separation and Divorce
I am a child of divorce. My parents divorced when I was 7 years old. My first marriage of 18 years ended in divorce.
Both of those life changes has left me questioning a lot about why bad things happen to good people. Here is what I have come to know:
God always answers us, sometimes it’s a “yes”, sometimes it’s a “not yet” and most times, it is “I have a better plan for you”.
Getting divorced is never an easy thing. In fact, it is listed as the second largest cause for stress in a person's life next to the death of a spouse. But that doesn't mean this life change isn't something you can emerge from stronger and move into a future where you grow from this life change and become a healthier, happier person!
I am currently remarried to a Catholic man who shares my faith and together we work very hard in our marriage to make sure that it is deeply satisfying to both of us. That would not have happened in my first marriage and therefore, I have embraced my first marriage ending in divorce, because I now have the life, I believe, God always intended for me.

​Who Am I and How Can I Help You?
​I am someone like you that had been struggling in my marriage for many years and tried very hard to "save" my marriage. I am someone like you that didn't want my marriage to end. I am someone like you that went to marriage counseling and read books on why my marriage was failing. And, I am someone like you that has faced the life change of divorce and have had to figure out a way to transition through it.
That really is the key. Transitioning through the changes in our lives.
Some of the changes are within our control and some of the changes are out of our control.
Whether you felt compelled to choose to divorce (in your control)
or whether you were the one that didn't choose that decision (outside of your control),
how you transition through it is completely within your control!​​
​​​I am divorced and happily remarried now, but that doesn't stop me from wishing that there was better help out there for people struggling with marriages difficulties. So many therapists and so many therapy sessions and after all that time and effort, divorce was inevitable for me. How come we tried so many times and went to different therapists and ended up divorced anyway?
I chose to divorce, but that choice was not easy. I struggle with...
Did we really try? Was there more that we could have done? Did we get the right help?
Do YOU ever wonder if your marriage was even given a chance by going to marriage counseling?
Do you feel the therapist made things WORSE?
I often wonder if marriage counseling worked, why are so many people still getting divorced?
It is that last question that catapulted me into doing some serious research for almost two years as to what methods used in marriage counseling work and why. What is the success rate of certain practices to help couples resolve their differences? Which experts have figured this out and can prove a 90% or better success rate? And then it hit me, like a ton of bricks, when I came across this:
Michele Coppola Wilson
Life Change & Transitions LLC
In-Person, Lincroft, NJ
Virtual Appointments Available